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2018의 게시물 표시

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ATI Radeon* Xpress 200 driver optimized for Windows 7 64bit

I got a ECS RS482-M(HP MS-7184) motherboard a few years ago and it has an integrated graphics chipset(ATI Radeon* Xpress 200). I installed Windows 7 x64 and latest graphic drivers but I got error "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered". I had been attemping to solve a problem and found a solution. ATI Catalyst Display Driver 7.9 for Windows Vista 64bit Driver is the optimized driver for Windows 7 x64. Download Link(My Korean Blog): http://openart.tistory.com/1472

The Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Korail KTX train Timetable and Fare (.xls)


The fastest and convenient way to Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium is taking Korail KTX trains. You can download KTX timetable and faretable from korail *. You'll need to install excel viewer. FareTable LINK(Korail Official Page): http://www.letskorail.com/etc/excel/train_time_171201_KG_KTX.xls TimeTable LINK(Korail Official Page): http://www.letskorail.com/etc/excel/180124_Gangneung.xls You can purchase Pyeongchang Korail Pass: http://www.letskorail.com/pyeongchang

30GB Free Cloud Storage NDrive App for Windows Mobile


Naver Cloud(NDrive) is an South Korean 30GB free cloud storage service. NDrive for Windows Mobile was released in 2010 but it works well on Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 nowadays(February, 2018). To get 30GB storage of Naver Cloud, you will need to create a Naver account. (Naver is the most popular portal site in South Korea) *. Naver Sign Up page(English):  https://nid.naver.com/user2/joinGlobal.nhn?m=init&lang=en_US&cpno= You can download NDrive App for WM6, WM6.5 from my Korean blog. http://openart.tistory.com/1859


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